DX elements

German Version

Data represent the stable and long-living core of information management in the City of Vienna, the Digital IQ of the City is increased by the data. They form the foundation for information and knowledge and are an essential production factor for a “smart, intelligent and digital” City.

The precondition for this is a defined Data Excellence Strategy  – a data strategy that includes all necessary measures for the timely provision of reliable data in the required quality, with the vision that the City of Vienna will become a “Data excellent” Data Capital City:

“The City of Vienna provides reliable information & data as a central value of an open administration of the future. Thus we create a high benefit for the citizens, economy and science and make a contribution to an efficient task completion.”

The guiding principle “Open by Default / Open by Design” is essential for access to public data of the City of Vienna: The city administration opens up publicly classified data, documents and services in a machine-readable form and free of charge.

The Data Excellence Strategy is based on the following building blocks:

  • Data governance forms the basis for a company-wide coordinated data management through rules, organization and processes – above all, however, by the people involved – both on the business and on the technical level.
    Enterprise Data Management:
  • Data quality management refers to all quality-oriented organizational, methodological, conceptual and technical measures to control and manage data in the sense of an asset.
  • Enterprise Data Management: The City of Vienna has a modern and comprehensive Enterprise Data Management system to innovate its data treasures.

Reliable key figures and data usage build on these foundations.